Derek DeMike
3 min readDec 1, 2020

So you’re planning to or are already pitching FB ads to clients, speaking to the power of social ads…

You’re going about it completely wrong.

Let me explain…

We are currently consulting with one of our students at The SMMA Blueprint and this student was getting anywhere from 3–7 meetings per week with realtors.

Sounds great right? Those are the numbers we like to see…but the problem was, he wasn’t able to close those meetings.

At first, we weren’t really sure why, so we dug in and said ok what’s going on here?

He sent over a few examples and this was the overall structure.

He would open up the call with an intro/rapport building, simple questions like where are you calling from, and would take the conversation from there.

Almost immediately after that intro, he went extremely micro, right into the nuts and bolts of the service offering, Facebook ads, and exactly how they execute the campaign.

Side note, he was also apologizing in almost every call before starting.

Pro Tip — Record your first 10 -20 conversations, really hear yourself, the tonalities, any idioms you need to eliminate.

This is an extremely powerful technique, so give it a try.

After eliminating those issues, we dug into the root of the issue which is…..


We’re here to sell solutions to problems, period.

Let me break this down quickly so it’s super clear.

No one will ever listen to you unless they feel heard first…

You need to understand their business, current situation, goals, and what’s holding them back before you’ve earned a seat at the table to pitch your services.

Also, you have no idea what pre-conceived notions these prospects have already about Facebook ads.

If you open up the call and say, yup we’re a Facebook ad shop, this is how we run them, this is what we do…

They could have already tried another agency and had a bad experience…

Immediately you’re lumped in with that group and the rest of the call is an uphill battle.

You’re probably thinking ok, I won't start off the pitch talking about myself and Facebook ads, then what do I do?

You make it about them.

You make it about them by asking leading questions that will get them talking.

If you were to look back at your conversation and tally up how long you’ve been talking vs the prospect it should be 70 / 30.

70 percent of the time the prospect is talking, informing you about their situation, goals, problems, etc.

And 30 percent of the time you’re talking, asking them questions speaking about the results you’ve driven.

If you’re going to talk about your agency at all, the only thing they should be hearing is the results you’ve driven to relevant businesses like theirs.

If you don’t have the results. Do yourself a favor, hype yourself or your agency in any way you can, and keep the conversation directed towards your prospect.

We made these super simple changes with our student and within 5 business days got a text saying he closed a deal.

This is the power of structuring your calls in an effective matter.

Now we learned this stuff over years of pitching deals in multiple industries, so don’t beat yourself up if you’re not the close master 5000 right out of the gate…

But use our experience, this channel, this platform to grow and learn from us..

So if you have a sticking point in your process, or are still on the sidelines getting out of the gate, COMMENT down below and let’s get you through it. That’s what this platform is for.

And if you want to skip the corporate latter, take control, and start working for yourself, head on over to the SMMA where you can get the A-Z blueprint on how to start, grow, and scale you’re own online business today.

That’s all for today, quick, powerful tips on how to improve your pitch with some fast and easy adjustments.

And if you made it this far, give this article a CLAP so we know you made it to this point.

-Derek DeMike

