Member-only story
Action Over Answers

Quick disclaimer, this is not intended to discourage questions by any means. We want you to ask any and ALL questions you have because this is the most supportive community out there.
But sometimes you don’t always know what questions to ask…
In the absence one Answers… Action over everything.
A few years ago, we didn’t have a clue where to begin with our agency. We picked up a super generic course that basically just gave us the idea that this was possible and we were completely left on our own to make our agency a success or failure.
Whether it was how to get clients, how to get a meeting, how to create proposals, etc.
We just made attempts, action over answers.
I see so many people being hung up by not knowing what’s the right move to make or the perfect way to do this or that.
Like Gary Vee says, many of you are using perfectionism as label to mask your inactivity and insecurity.
Action over Answers, Action over Answers.
Now am I saying you don’t need guidance, support, a mentor, a course, absolutely not.
All those things are going to drastically short cut the time needed to success.